• You are your own most important instrument and your own best teacher.
  • Other People. Leadership is a reciprocal relationship with followers; other people are just as important as you are.
  • Tasks and Goals. Study and practice the tasks you need to perform. Set attainable but challenging long-range goals but focus on one step at a time.
  • Available Resources. Identify and develop whatever resources you can use to achieve your goals.
  • Group Size and Structure. No matter how big a group or organization gets, it does virtually all of its important work in small, team-size groups.
  • The Surrounding Environment. Everything happens somewhere; it’s important to know where you are at all times.

Leadership: Seven Core Values to Live By

  • Courage. Never be afraid to take sensible risks; frequently, the riskiest strategy is to play it safe.
  • Compassion. We are all linked by empathy and caring concern. Nobody can survive from birth in isolation.
  • Continuous learning. Nothing succeeds like success, but nothing teaches like mistakes.
  • Service. The best leaders are servants.
  • Respect. The root of the word “re-spect” means “to take a second look.”
  • Integrity. Integrity is about integrating all of your skills, talents, and aspirations for the best results for yourself and others. Strive to do the right thing all the time.
  • Good humor. All creative activity mirrors the processes of humor and fun.